The Gap
Roland Redfox, Oscar Capezio, Naomi Xeros, Alex Hobba, Lachlan Herd, James Lieutenant, Chanel Tobler, Nyx Matthews, Pat L, Felix Skinner, Cristina Whittembury, Kristina Neumann, Kute Bash, Eleanor Zurowski in collaboration with Bryan Martin, Sunny Lei and Roland Redfox
Curated by Roland Redfox and Patrick Larmour
THE GAP probes at the permeability of the gallery as an apparatus: a site in space and time and a social and working group. Taking the temporary exhibition format as a jumping off point, a smaller unit of Art Gallery in which to think of alternative outcomes for the labour and space of Art Working we utilise our actions as a mode of gently morphing this apparatus. Maintaining without negating its existing functions (this is not totalitarian institutional critique) applying permeable and porous phenomena.
Permeability allows for things to move through, infiltrate and inhabit, without undermining the structural/integrity of the host. Permeability is a property of something to be receptive. What is it to exist through the gallery space, not just in it? What else can permeate the exhibition site, more than art, bodies and the occasional glass of wine?
In this spirit THE GAP collaboratively explores art labour such as installation, conversation, communication, electronic-mail, maintenance, observation, instruction for or by absent people, dissemination of exhibition material, advertising. Drawing on artists from the history and future of Tributary Projects, as well as the curator’s pasts and future to activate a temporal bleeding of exhibitors that were not previously intending to show together.
We consider permeation a tool for gentile activism and with that in mind we hope the following words help to permeate the process of colonial history-making:
We acknowledge we are on stolen land and pay out respects to the Traditional Owners, the Ngunnawal, Ngambri, and Ngunawal peoples and recognise that sovereignty was never ceded.