Spirit Theatre
Spirit Theatre is a monthly mix release organised by Felix Idle of Wa?ste and Valley Spirit recordings. This ongoing series showcases recent experimental work from sound based artists and musicians.
"The problem is there is no way to guard against attacks of this nature.“ "So this is quite clearly a deliberate act." A spokesperson said the incident was "malicious and unprecedented". Despite an earlier "miscommunication" which cast doubt on any genuine activity - the Army was called in. "Certain functions have been programmed in and they carry it out autonomously." Police said they repeatedly appeared and disappeared from view. But Prof Gray believes the chaos was from a "rogue operator" Prof Gray said the organisations previous detection system was of a "very primitive nature" "The question is why weren't people better prepared? "This was not unforeseen." That there was no footage or photographs There was "always a possibility that there may not have been any genuine activity in the first place." Police say it's possible it may have never existed. Somei Satoh - Anne Akiko Meyers - Li Jian - Birds in Warped Time II Daniel Jenatsch - untitled - Jupiter Orbiting OST Hildur Gudnadóttir - Whiten Art Bears - On Suicide Daniel Jenatsch - Mother Holding Something Horrific (for claire lambe and atlanta eke) David Lang - Little Eye Pierre Henry - Fragments Pour Artaud - La Religion Sample: SoundMorph - Steampunk Weapons Binaural Field Recordings - Daniel Jenatsch Bonson - Wings collection Sound Idea’s - Industry Jungle Forest Sound Library - Group of horses running over soft earth David Bowie - Wild is the Wind (Remastered 2016)
試著把最近的一些焦慮拿來當作黏土來玩⋯⋯ 第一首是用今年8/24在我的家鄉基隆所舉辦的中元節田野錄音,中元節旨在祭拜好兄弟,放水燈的意思是祭拜死在海上的好兄弟,但這也是一個具政治意義的活動;當年(19世紀)因為省籍械鬥死了很多人,為了彌平創傷,就決定固定辦中元祭祭拜彼此死掉的弟兄,是一場和平運動,不只是宗教活動。另外,因為這些傷痛會發生都是因為人們的身份認同還仍綁著原先的祖籍地域(漳、泉)。他們解套的辦法就是「以姓氏」取代「祖籍地域」,每年就由幾個姓氏家族湊在一起辦這場祭典,至於是哪些姓氏,有時是以台語諧音的趣味做安排(劉唐杜-流腸肚;李蔡謝-你拉屎)。總之,這就是當時的中國移民在地化,成為台灣人的進程。 關於基隆中元祭詳細的介紹:https://gushi.tw/cold28/ 說這麼多,其實只是想做個為台灣祈福的引子。 第二首的聲音來自反核了三十年的社運人士吳文通先生在呼籲大家公投16號請投不同意,要記得喔! (跟大家推薦這篇:https://www.ta-mag.net/green/News.php?id=665) 第三首的聲音來自許牧彥 v.s 陳思豪的同婚辯論,前面是許牧彥的論述,然後接陳思豪詫異的語氣。說到這,自由時報跟Taipei Times好像不太報婚姻平權的事情齁? 第四首是我長年關注同志運動的朋友林宗輝(aka 礦物母金剛)。當時蜂蜜檸檬事件甫爆發,我有一天早上五點在憂國憂民的煩躁中徘徊時,他傳了這首語音信息,聽了頗有舒緩之意,選舉前的焦躁感完全放鬆,而且唱的人不是那個怪咖,所以在舒緩之餘不會覺得詭異。 總而言之,說了這麼多,就是要大家去投票啦!(我沒有做紀政冬奧公投的音樂,但那是因為我以為這是膝蓋想就要投同意的項目嘛!但是最近看到聯合報刊的東西就覺得可能真的有人笨到會相信它們的話)。 10 11 12 => X 13 14 15 => O 16 => X 就是這樣~~ By DJ味王 The first segment of this piece made from a field recording I made at the ghost festival at my hometown Keelung (recorded Aug 24, 2018). Chinese immigrants during the 19th century often form gangs based on where they came from from China, resulting in massive deaths. Ultimately the mob leaders came up with a peace agreement: they would host a Ghost Festival every Zhong-yuan day to commemorate their brothers who died in the gangster warfares, following Daoist religious practices. They also got rid of the identification system that’s based on where you came from back in China, and adopted a new system where people were grouped together by their surnames; this year it was the Lais who are responsible for holding the festival, for example. The Ghost Festival in Keelung, then, is not just a religious ritual, but also marks the nativization of a Chinese identity into a Taiwanese one. The rest is Taiwan’s referendum stuff. The second segment is made from thirty-year anti-nuclear veteran Wu Wen-tong (吳文通)’s voice recording, in which he cautions people to downvote referendum number 16. The third segment is a recording of the TV debate over gay marriage held in the past few weeks, which is also an item in the referendum. The fourth is made from a recording of my friend Lim Chonghui (aka Mineral Gorilla) singing what is currently popularly known as the “Honey Lemon” song. One of the mayoral candidates, who proposed to give every citizen a cup of honey lemon juice to stay healthy as one of his policies, had sung this wistful tune to his audience at the end of his debate, the lyrics of which is about how you only get so many autumns in your life, so one should just aim to get drunk and don’t be too concerned with worldly affairs. Suggested reading: https://newbloommag.net/2018/11/13/referendum-explainer/ By wèi wáng @blackbellsyo
treading water, palms in sleeve, will you meet me there? - have a nice life - a quick one before the eternal worm devours connecticut knifebody - lets go into the woods [fka cdwc, recorded 22.04.15] knifebody - live improv. 11/10/18 suicideyear, future - honest [knifebody cut] grasps - divine providence [slowed, unreleased] matt uelmen - wilderness [diablo ii ost] ad te levavi animam meam (unto to you i have lifted up my soul), field recording (14/12/10) - florida schola cantorum [mihoko221] w/ ricky eat acid - god puts us all in the swimming pool [knifebody cut] airport - dress lake [filt. delay+slowed] pill friends - mall goth @knifebody
A dip into the cultural displacement and diaspora of the Anthropocene - @slo-dem
"I was just going with the flow!" - A(;D -> @4chan-daiso @horizon99
The spas A model Tacky idealism in Ironic realism out Where the future roams stress-free - @horizon99 Corporate Background Music Collection - "Corporate" - Kitaro - Matsuri (PRNYA EDIT 2015) - Astrid Sonne – Life - Mark Fell - Multistability 2-A - COSTES - Pas Encore Mort - Rudolf EB.er - Yellow Smell of Death - Scott Walker - Printing Press - Flowgasm - Once Upon a Time in China Remix 2011!![ Trance/Techno/Jump Style] - Sawi Lieu - Resonansi - Midori Hirano - By the Window - Space Bucha - Esplanade
@ava555 I Xcise Intro The Irish Book of Death and Flying Ships - Oliver Coates Guilty - Tirzah II Milk - Sea Oleena A Situation of Meat 血肉之状 - Pan Daijing ICON /C - Kara Lis Coverdale ASMR Close Up Whispered Reading of Milk and Honey with Gum Chewing - Euphoric Whispers A Low and Distant Sound Gradually Swelling and Increasing - Shane Carruth The Irish Book of Death and Flying Ships - Oliver Coates Lamb - Ava II Outro
Un corps froid allongé au milieu de la salle, la lumière de la fenêtre d'un bleu irréelle obscurcit l'intrus. Vous l'observez depuis l'entrée, vous éforcant de saisir son identité: Il reste indéterminable mais étrangement familier. Vous vous approchez lentement et vous rend compte, avec surprise, qu'il n'y avait rien. Vous ne pouvez pas retourner en arrière, la mort vous attends. On ne voit rien ici. - @bintahaha Dada Chen! - Thus Things Flow Away 逝者如斯 (2015) NYZ - MTNAM_6_SRi::stationONE_is_ON (2017) Kuniaki Haishima - Melody Of The Underworld (2008) Osvaldo Coluccino - Atto 1 (2012) Naaahhh - Blooz (2017) Laurent Fairon - The Elocunionist (2016) Esther Vonrooy & Lander Gyselink - So It Goes (2012) Yximallo - Retrocomission (1986) Forbidden Siren Comercial (Long Version) (2003) Saori Kobayashi - Fall Of The Ancient World (2002) Untold - The Messenger (2014) Susumu Ueda - Fukashigi Na Sign (2003) Swaggerjack - Act 1 (2015) Cibo Matto - Clouds (1999) Nick James Scavo & Xander Seren - Glandasein (2017) Akira Yamaoka - White Noiz (2001) Perception - Mirage (1998)
// The core is the site where meaning collapses and the symbolic order comes under existential threat. // Hardcore never dies… hardcore is always already dead. // The software / hardcore division outlines the psychic boundaries between life and death along which the subject operates. // XDM presents us with an eternal orgasmic plateau and perpetual ego death. Sonic masochism becomes sexual ecstasy. // The contemporary hardcore (dis)continuum is constituted by a collective sonic death drive. Acts of musical abjection and sublimation, algorithmically optimised by a post-pornographic media economy. // Fucking filthy ear porn. - @djmackeeper Hate Eater - Heroes Mick Gordon - Olivia’s Doom (Chad Mossholder remix) The Sprawl - Personality Upload Croww - Prosthetics1 (Mechamix) oxhy - water magic Deep Sphere - Against the Truth Robbie Tronco - Jesus Christ my pussy is burning (fierce ruling divas mix) Kastle - Resurrection Estoc - Trauma Makes Us Ghosts VIOLENCE - The Third Tiered Candle dj save the nhs - burning tories Netas - Shitbeater Dasychira / Baby Blue - Malevolence Krampf - OST 3 Folkhälsan - 1.084 Profundo Vazio - Warzone with Sharkboy Lava Outblast - Hey Motherfuckers Boe Strummer / Maudit - Chanter pour Ceux Deep Sphere - Dreaming
@wa-ste222 / @felix-idle 北漂一族~北京・さまよえる若者たち~ /北漂一族:在北京彷徨的年轻人/ the drifting northern tribe ~aimlessly wandering Beijing youth~ 無国籍 ~ワタシの国はどこですか / 无国籍 我的祖国在哪里 / Stateless (2009) Dir. 玄真行 Hitoshi Komuro, Nobuo Yagi - 死んだ男の残したものは / All That the Man Left Behind When He Died Abosahar ( @trobbymusic ) - For 3ebs South Armagh - Bandit Country (1976) @firaasbeats - انا جي هغني (I Come To Sing) ft. Dj Abo Sahar [loop] Hitoshi Komuro, Nobuo Yagi - 死んだ男の残したものは / All That the Man Left Behind When He Died Srećko Horvat on "emotional intelligence" - youtube Wa?ste - amethyst tool x stargazer / moby - why does my heart feel so bad (loop) archival footage of the Berlin wall coming down - youtube Wa?ste - Winter's Hymn snowstorm in inner mongolia - youtube Gyorgy Ligeti - Requiem "the queen of attitude" facebook video Merzbow - Penderecki 竇唯 / Dou Wei - 雨吁 Rainy Murmur
Last night I dreamt my studio was an empty treehouse but it was impenetrable, vertical, you had to climb uphill but I’m scared of heights you have to crawl through the dog door darcy tells me that it’s ok though probably safe good value and I’m trying to explain to that I love you but then there is black metal. It is screaming at me in words, screaming in twitches in sequence words autumnal wound come to mind but then they are ruptured again and then they layer over the over the top and it’s words but phrases and images holding each other close to I want it to hold you and the sound in intimate in me but I don’t want to share anything I don’t want to be touched I swear I just don’t want to be touched. @lillykane9909
I remember when I first saw sap speared on the chainlink fence in the corner of the park its reddy amber glistening in the midday sun’s light dripping down the bloody bark I felt shame as I pushed my fingers into the clotting wood, and then to my mouth where I found the taste not like honey but acrid and bitter its resin already setting on my small lips I saw the myriad scars that covered the trees limbs as it had twisted and bulged against its checkerboard enclosure endlessly cycling through growth and pain sometimes the finger of a branch tempted by the sun would poke through a steel diamond and perhaps the roots had grown underneath to explore the soil’s topology But like the Rook on its board the tree was rendered immobile against the chance of its growth in that corner of the park bloody and battling every victory pyrrhic - @rhunterrrr Nuccio d’angelo - due canzoni lidie, tranquillo (r hunter edit) Meredith monk - cloud code (r hunter edit) Catherine Lamb - paralaxis forma (r hunter edit) Yung lean - red bottom sky (r hunter edit) Tigran Hamasyan and Yerevan state chamber choir - Bazum En Qo Gtutyunqd (r hunter edit) Morton Lauridsen - o magnum mysterium
parochialism fear envy and EDMecstasy- dutch hardcore as the medium and metaphor all expectation and no release - @wa-ste222 - @felix-idle http://youusedtocaptivatemewithyourresonatingligh.tk/
Is there such a thing as armor? Can anyone survive this?
"The Fate of All Mankind is in The Hands of Fools" - @threalterroriste
Christe eleison! Kyrie eleison! Ist diesen Atmosphere korrekt oder was? 他們說拎北刺青太花 花到哭爸 I put my hand on her belly I slipped and fell, in the bath washing place, do you remember? Consider, all your years lying dusty before you Leave 'em til they matted forearm tatted You're everything I hoped for, you're everything I need but in her moods she'd be so rude to me, so much that I refused to see, her pain was so intense. 19/11/2017 @slake-mob ( @quantum_natives ) Tracklist: Text - Requiem for Ernst-Hugo (1928-1998) Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 (Sports Chant Stadium Remix) Smash & Dj Rob - Korrekte Atmosphere (Original Smash) Mzee Wa Bwax = Kupendapenda Kubaya Ocrilim - Annwn, Part 7 Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 piano tutorial OHVC-白布鞋2.0 Feat. 970 Rah Brahs - Gently Jeanrah JAGUAR - Lonely Planet Boy The Nodding Folk - Children Of The Nodapoc Gather Round Westside Connection - The Gangsta, The Killa & The Dope Dealer (Chopped & Screwed) [DJ SCREW] Stéphane Picq - The Magnificents You Are So Beautiful To Me Lolita Storm - Annabelle Kernkraft 400 / Stardust piano