Plasticscene / GALLERY TWO

Frank Mullet

11- 28 February 2021


Plasticscene is an ongoing experiment in speculative sculpture, wondering what life would be like on plastic based planets. Exploring pattern and surface and how to create something that feels alive, Frank Mullet wants to draw you in with little creatures that have haptic magnetism, but also the fearful repulsion of touching a slug and it oozing something on you.

PlasticScene is a body of work that is constantly evolving, old pieces become new, if left alone in the dark for long enough. Reworking and rebuilding works like a beaver tending to it’s dam, or perhaps one of Hubert Duprat’s Caddisfly larvae placed in a tank of forgotten craft supplies from your nan’s friend Marge’s old house, and the deep corners of childcare centre cupboards. Many materials are donated, gifted or supplied by local hoarders and makers alike. PlasticScene is the vision of Francesca Bleeker and construction is assisted by Laura McCleane. Extra thanks to Jess Dudfield, Zev Aviv and Robbie Karmel for providing so much labour, and support. Special thanks to Bronnie from @HappyHappyJoy_Club for making such beautiful resin bases for the frilly boys.