Patrick Heath
11- 28 February 2021
Patrick Heath, Home Front, 2021, 70 x 70, canvas awning collage
The Australian Fugliness looks at how identity is expressed through the ‘featurist’ suburban environment, examining the exterior surfaces and arbitrary distractions of this milieu.
The works explore the Australian suburban vernacular and its idiosyncrasies, and its penchant for veneer and decoration as a means of cosmetics, camouflage and distraction.
These domestic ‘features’ (to quote Robin Boyd) might be considered expressions of vulnerability, offering protection against the uncomfortable existential and physical realities of the settler landscape as home. At once, they both conceal and reveal a superficial nature, a self-mythologised identity, reflecting how purported national values are merely skin-deep products.
The artist acknowledges the Kaurna people whose stolen land he lives and works on.