Digging in the dark
Luke Chiswell, Untitled, 2017, fabric, epoxy.
Digging in the Dark enacts a search through the unknown and uncertain for new work. Sculptures initially formed with foraged materials are burnt in an act of destruction to make and discover new possibilities before the process is halted and the piece frozen on the edge of existence. These sit alongside explorations of mark marking that find a beginning in Chiswell's frequent use of text. Both methods make use of chance within a controlled set of circumstances in order to seek a new visual language.
Luke Chiswell is an international visual artist who works in a wide range of media, exhibiting in Australia, China and the US. Recent residencies and work include Beijing, The Opposite House and Nicaragua Maderas Village and public sculpture located in Belmore Park, Gouldburn, NSW. He currently resides in Los Angeles where he is represented by Tappan Collective.