Rowan McGinness, Yellow painting with frame, 2017, mixed media on felt, artists frame, 118 x 108 x 8 cm
Interactions is an exhibition of painting exploring relationships between sight and touch in relation to an audience's experience and reception of an artwork. Physical textural effects play a role in stimulating haptic memory and push against more traditional painterly uses of space and colour creating a tension between real and illusory surfaces. A variety of materials have been used to create these works ranging from those we would expect to those not so familiar to us.
Being compelled to touch an artwork is a momentary craving many viewers experience and frequently act upon. Here the artist invites us to touch these works and to consider where the satisfaction and desire resides.
Rowan McGinness is a Canberra based emerging artist working primarily in painting. She is commencing her Honours year in 2018 at the Australian National University School of Art and Design.