Anne-Marie Byrant, Mimi Fairall, Cat Mueller, Roseanna Parkes, Rat, Ellen Sleeman-Taylor
Curated by Roseanna Parkes and Ellen Sleeman-Taylor
Rat, Untitled, 2017, synthetic polymer on cardboard.
Industrial Zone takes a cue from the site of the gallery in the notorious Canberra suburb of Fyshwick, this exhibition will cast light on the gloriously seedy underbelly of Canberra's industrial zones, to expose as well as celebrate all the folly and the perverted joy to be found there. To Fyshwick saying: "Put 'em on the Glass!"
The works address themes of fetishism, sexuality and sexual orientation, gender politics, sex work, sex toys, deviance, lines of consent, sexual exploitation as well as enjoyment. Their work is not restricted to specifically addressing the location of Fyshwick or Fyshwick's bounty. Personal explorations of sexual orientation will sit alongside sex-toy altars.
Sex permeates our lives, wriggling deep within our subconscious and shaping us into sexual deviants or vanilla beans. Tongue in cheek artwork about sex exists in the realm of the fun and the frivolous as well as the absolutely heartbreaking.
Caitlin Kozman, Feeding (still), 2017, digital video