Forgive Me For My Scenes
Kevin Diallo, 2019
During the year 2018-2019 Kevin Diallo worked as a model with the aim to better understand the way Blackness as an entity independently of black people is cultivated for the production of capital in common channels of distribution. During his time modelling, Kevin Diallo observed, as an insider the way Blackness is constructed, understood, circulated and experienced in popular media and advertising. Forgive Me For My Scenes refers to the artist Me Aculpa in being complicit to the exploitation of debatable clichés and stereotypes of black people.
Kevin Diallo is a Sydney based artist originally from the Ivory-Coast whose practice suggests Blackness relationship to the future. Rooted in post-colonial discourse and race politics, Diallo’s work investigates how institutionalised ideas of Black and African authenticity can be deconstructed and challenged by mean of juxtaposition through a variety of mediums, more particularly with alternative photographic processes, installations, sculptures and new media.