Blue straw on a path to Dickson
Skye Jamieson, Wrapper by my feet on my toes, 2018, oil on canvas, 120 x 100 cm. (Photo: Annette Liu).
Skye Jamieson
This new work from Skye Jamieson explores the tension between oil and water. Jamieson focuses on the materiality of these substances by isolating her gestures with negative space. Her tentative approach to edges leaves her emotive marks and bold shapes floating on canvas. Jamieson uses pure pigment, oil washes, and thick blocks to play with translucency and opacity. Seeking to evoke the mesmirising sensation of oil and water dancing in sunlight, Jamison is confronted by the way these materials repel one another and create tension.
Exploring the meaning imbued in these elements Jamieson considers wider environmental concerns related to the human use, misuse, relationship to water. Water is often associated with calmness and serenity, qualities which Jamieson seeks in her practice and works. However much like the frustration that arises during meditation practice, calmness and serenity are at times unattainable in the process of painting and drawing. These lovely works flit and float between unattainable peace and the feeling of edginess which characterises an artist’s practice.